Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Amazing husband

Ok so I know that I havn't posted in over a year, but what better day to start than a rainy beautiful fall day, and what better thing to talk about than my amzaing husband. Last night I went to this amazing meeting on essential oils and it lasted longer than I thought, putting me home about 9:30 - 9:45pm, so I was tired and expecting a sink full of dishes ahead of me. However, I walked in the door to discover that Shaun had the kids in bed the dishes not only done but the kitchen cleaned spotless and the house was all picked up and he had even read with Bryant. It was like coming home to heaven, and the joy continued as I woke up in the morning to everything in order. He is such a blessing to me. I love his guts!!

I am going to have to post about my amazing essential oils meeting later it is a whole other story that I can't wait to share.